How to Reset The Water Filter Light On a Whirlpool Refrigerator

How to Reset The Water Filter Light On a Whirlpool Refrigerator
How to Reset The Water Filter Light On a Whirlpool Refrigerator

How to reset the water filter light on a whirlpool refrigerator is replaced with the light resetting done manually.

If you replace the water filter, yet the light stays on. If so the light must be reset on the display panel. The water filters light on a whirlpool refrigerator.

The water filter light on a whirlpool refrigerator is to show if the filter is defective. There is very little chance for a water filter to become defective.

It mostly needs resetting and learning How To Reset The Water Filter Indicator On a Whirlpool Fridge is a must. The light is a timer and it reminds you to change the once in 3 to 6 months the filter.

How to Reset The Water Filter Light On a Whirlpool Refrigerator

1) Locate the button of the water filter on the refrigerator after knowing Reset the water filter light on a whirlpool refrigerator.

The button is below or above the water filter light. In some models, the button is within the fridge. The reset button and the filter light are inside the Whirlpool refrigerator French door on the right top side.

2) Hold for 3 seconds the filter button and reset the light. Hold down the button until it beeps or light changes to blue from orange.

3) Reset the fridge bottom mount with a touchpad. The process of resetting is different in French door fridges. Hold ‘Energy Saver’ and ‘Fast Cool’ buttons on hearing the beep.

If the fridge fails to beep, hold for 3 seconds. Wipe with a clean cloth the touchpad and press again the buttons.

4) Remember to change the once in 6 months the water filter. It ensures good filtration of water and you have pure water free from minerals and chemicals. Regularly change the filter reduces the filter chances of breaking down.

5) Use the correct filter and ascertain your fridge has a valid warranty. The water filter can be reset or replaced easily as the design fits correctly.

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